Duracell Batteries, 9-Volt Size, 4-Count Package

Duracell Batteries, 9-Volt Size, 4-Count Package Review

Duracell Batteries, 9-Volt Size, 4-Count Package Feature

  • Cardboard card with peg hook
Duracell CopperTop batteries are a smart, efficient choice to power many of the battery-powered devices you use in your home. Duracell CopperTop batteries are reliable sources of power for flashlights, toys, alarm clocks, smoke alarms, remote controls and more. These batteries are available in AA, AAA, C, D and 9-volt sizes.

Coppertop Product Overview




Power your household devices

CopperTop batteries have been engineered to deliver just the right amount of power for your household devices. They’re reliable sources of power for flashlights, toys, alarm clocks and more.



Guaranteed fresh for 7 years

Get dependable, long-lasting power from CopperTop batteries. Duracell guarantees that they will stay fresh for 7 years.

Duracell CopperTop batteries are available in AAA, AA, C, D and 9-volt sizes.

CopperTop batteries can power most household devices, including:


  • Toys
  • Remote controls
  • Flashlights
  • Clocks
  • Radios
  • Smoke Alarms
Coppertop batteries have been engineered to deliver just the right level of power for most of your household needs. Plus, guaranteed fresh for 5 years. Many of the devices you use in your home are powered most efficiently by Duracell coppertop batteries, including toys, clocks and radios, remote controls, smoke alarms, and flashlights.


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